“Our story begins in the 1950s in Veneto, precisely in Magrè di Schio, a small town located in the province of Vicenza, northern Italy. Its main character is Cav. Giuseppe Tomasi, at the time in his early twenties, who starts laying the foundations to realize his dreams with enthusiasm and diligence: he designs and produces the very first circular saws in his modest mechanic’s workshop. In the next few years the small enterprise grows and starts manufacturing machinery for repair shops and lathes.

Work with us

Are you already a reseller of industrial machines? Do you work with workshops, manufacturing companies, metal cutting, turnings?
Do you need to integrate your distribution of machines with excellent brands?
Do you want to help your customers improve the quality of the final product by optimizing their processing?

As manufacturers of metal cutting machines, automatic and semi-automatic band saws for metals, speed in the delivery of both machinery and spare parts, Sthemma makes use of dealers throughout the national and international territory with whom it creates relationships of mutual trust in the municipality. commitment to create synergies, speed and quality, always putting the end customer at the center.

Contact us to learn about the conditions and opportunities to become a Sthemma Thomas reseller.

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